One World, Together at Home
Written by Alan Brain on 20/04/20 Blog , Uncategorized #

One World, Together at Home

As someone who designs logos for a living it gives me great pleasure to see something that’s well crafted, completely fit for purpose and inspirational. I really like this logo and I wish I’d designed it.

Yes, It’s obviously influenced by Saul Bass but, then again, who in our profession isn’t.

Congratulations to the designer – whoever you are. Good work.
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Our Shiny New Website
Written by Alan Brain on 25/04/17 Blog

Our Shiny New Website

Well, finally, here it is. Our new website. It’s funny how, in this business, it’s always your own marketing materials that get pushed on to the back burner. This one’s been a long time coming—I must admit—but I think it’s been well worth the time and effort. Continue reading

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